Pvolve Review with Caitlyn

Caitlyn's Review on Her Experience with Pvolve

Pvolve was there for me at a very difficult time. My name is Caitlyn Walsh. I’m from New York, Long Island. Prior to Pvolve I did a lot of high intensity interval training and I was a runner. What I wasn’t getting through those workouts I was 100% getting through Pvolve. It was really the missing piece in my holistic journey. When you run or when you weight lift, you’re hitting those major muscle groups but you’re ignoring the smaller and very important muscles that create, you know, an overall healthy balance. Functional training allows you to hit those muscles while also recovering. It’s a way of working out where you get the impact without the physical harm on your body.

Four or five years ago, I would describe strength as, you know, how much you can lift, how far you can run. Whereas now, especially after the pandemic, I describe strength as more of a mental state. Pvolve was there for me at a very difficult time. My dad, he had stage four cancer and he was a marathon runner. He made it to the Olympic trials. He got the gusto enough to do a small Pvolve workout with me. And I thought, Hey, this could probably work for you. And it did. It really did. It helped. And we later found out that his physical therapist decided to incorporate it into his workout routine. I find that no matter where you are in your personal life, Pvolve definitely fits in. There’s truly a place for Pvolve in your life, and it will benefit you 100%.

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